My Top 10 Kitchen Essentials from Amazon

If I told you how many times I’ve relied on my Amazon Prime membership to get kitchen essentials to me overnight, I’d here quite a while. Both at home and in the bakery, I am constantly updating and improving the tools I use in the kitchen.

First and foremost - no, this is not a paid partnership with Amazon. I wish! Instead, I have enrolled in the Amazon partner program which allows me to earn a (tiny) commission on the products I share with you, should you choose to purchase any for yourself.

With that out of the way, let’s get down to it! Many of you have asked for links to these products that feature in my daily Tiktok videos, so I figured with a little time up my sleeve this Sunday, I’d share each of the products I love the most from my Amazon finds.

1. Daily Targets Water bottle

You’ve probably seen me sipping on my oversize 2 litre water bottle in videos. Truth is, I need a little incentive when it comes to staying hydrated in the kitchen. My days are usually incredibly fast paced and I very rarely drink enough water to give my body what it needs to keep up with the (quite frankly cardio workout) days my body endures. This water bottle reminds you to stay hydrated and drink the full two litres before the day ends. Genius!

Buy now $19.99

2. KitchenAid Mixer

It’s no secret I’m a KitchenAid girlie. When it comes to bakery brands, this is my dream brand to collab with (hopefully one day!) I have been using KitchenAid mixers for as long as I have been baking, and I have a total of 5 in my arsenal at present. I have one mixer at home for my personal baking days, two mixers at the product kitchen for macaron production and one mixer at the bakery for all my butter creams.

Buy now $738

3. Wiltshire Heart Pan

You’re probably all too familiar with our signature cakes by now, the retro vintage style heart cakes. If you have ever wondered what pans we use in the bakery, it is these exact ones! I recommend purchasing at least two pans, as you’ll need to bake two separate cakes, cut the top of them and stack them together with buttercream for one finished heart cake. If you’re a home baking business or bakery owner, I would recommend stocking up on as many as you can buy (they’re hard to come by!)

Buy now $5.50

4. Macarons Mats

If you ask me what my favourite thing to bake is, macarons would win every time. There’s just something so therapeutic about making them! Perhaps it is the concentration required to get them right, which allows you to totally switch off your mind from anything else. Having a pair of macaron mats is essential to making perfect macarons that are uniform every time. Join me for my macaron masterclass if you’d like to bake along with me and get my fail-proof recipe!

Buy now $28.99

5. Soaker Bottle

If you’ve ever wondered how cake decorators keep their cakes fresh by making them in advance, you need to know about sugar soaking! This soaker bottle is the perfect way to soak your cakes with simple syrup to increase their lifespan.

Buy now $40

6. Oven Mitts

As a baker, oven mitts are an essential part of your tool kit. For me, oven mitts are kind of like shoes for fashion people - I just can’t buy enough of them! These oven mitts from Amazon come in a bunch of colours at an affordable price, so stock up!

Buy now $14.99

7. Kitchen Scale

In the bakery I always measure everything in grams. For bakers and pastry chefs this is pretty normal, as it ensures more accuracy in baking. If you plan on developing recipes, it is a great habit to adopt as early as possible and these small kitchen scales are the perfect addition to your home kitchen.

Buy now $18.99

8. Offset Spatula

If there’s one thing in my baker’s tool kit I could not live without, it’s an offset spatula. I use these nifty tools to ice and stack all of my cakes, as well as decorating them.

Buy now $11.66

9. Cake Turntable

Another cake decorating tool I cannot live without is my cake turntable. Investing in a sturdy turntable is a no brainer if you ask me, especially when you’re making tens of cakes each day!

Buy now $87

10. Fondant letter stamps

Finally, these fondant letter stamps have become a staple in our kitchens at the bakery. We use these to stamp the letters for our heart cakes and vintage style cakes, which is how we get those perfect letters on the top of the cakes.

Buy now $15.29


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